Ralph's Blog about this and that (RSS | Atom)

Consume Protocol Buffer messages with Ionic

Published: 14. January 2017  •  Updated: 1. December 2018  •  ionic, spring, java, javascript

Form validation with Angular and Spring Boot

Published: 26. January 2017  •  Updated: 4. December 2018  •  angular, ionic, spring, java, javascript

Example of form validation in an Ionic application. How to create custom synchronous and asynchronous validators and how to validate data on the server with the Java Bean Validation framework.

Hot deploy updates to Ionic / Cordova apps with Ionic Appflow Live Deploy

Published: 13. January 2017  •  Updated: 7. December 2018  •  ionic, cordova

Integrate ECharts into an Ionic app

Published: 22. February 2017  •  Updated: 29. September 2018  •  ionic, javascript

In this post, we look at a way to display charts from the ECharts library in an Ionic app

JWT Authentication with Ionic/Angular and Spring Boot

Published: 5. February 2017  •  Updated: 7. December 2018  •  ionic, spring, java, javascript

How to implement a JWT authentication system with Ionic/Angular and Spring Boot.

Lovefield, a SQL database engine for the web

Published: 27. February 2017  •  Updated: 29. November 2018  •  database, ionic, javascript

A short introduction to Lovefield, a JavaScript SQL database engine. And how to build an Ionic app that uses Lovefield as a database access layer.

Secure Todo app with Ionic

Published: 18. February 2017  •  Updated: 6. December 2018  •  ionic, cryptography

In this post, we create a Todo application with Ionic that stores the data encrypted in the client storage. asmcrypto.js is used as the cryptographic library and we have a look at the Web Crypto API

Sending push messages from Spring Boot to Ionic over FCM

Published: 26. February 2017  •  Updated: 31. March 2020  •  ionic, spring, javascript, java

This post describes how a Spring Boot can send messages over FCM to an Ionic / Cordova app

Uploading files from Ionic / Cordova to Minio / S3

Published: 16. February 2017  •  Updated: 6. December 2018  •  ionic, cordova, spring, s3, javascript, java

How to upload files from an Ionic / Cordova app directly to a Minio server or Amazon S3 with pre-signed URLs.

Uploading pictures from Ionic / Cordova to Spring Boot

Published: 12. February 2017  •  Updated: 6. December 2018  •  ionic, cordova, spring, javascript, java

In this article, we create an Ionic application where the user can take a picture, and the app uploads it to a Spring Boot application.

A closer look at the Web Cryptography API

Published: 25. September 2017  •  Updated: 4. December 2018  •  javascript, cryptography, ionic

Creating a trivial password manager with the Web Cryptography API and the Ionic framework.

Offline capable Ionic Web App with IndexedDB

Published: 15. September 2017  •  Updated: 3. December 2018  •  database, javascript, ionic

Example of an Ionic web application that stores data in an IndexedDB and works offline.

Spring Boot and Ionic application development with OpenAPI

Published: 21. September 2017  •  Updated: 4. December 2018  •  spring, java, javascript, ionic

In this blog, we create REST services in Spring Boot and consume them in an Ionic app. We use the OpenAPI specification for generating API documentation and the client TypeScript code.

Upload files from Ionic to Spring Boot with Flow.js

Published: 26. September 2017  •  Updated: 4. December 2018  •  java, ionic, javascript, spring

A closer look at the Flow.js JavaScript library that helps upload files from a browser to the server. Flow.js is a JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant, and resumable/restartable file uploads via the HTML5 File API.

Developing a self-hosted location tracker

Published: 7. November 2017  •  Updated: 5. December 2018  •  ionic, java, spring, javascript

In this blog post, I create a self-hosted location tracker that consists of three parts. An Ionic/Cordova application that continuously sends the current location to a Spring Boot application from where the locations are broadcasted to a website and visualized on Google Maps. Note that Google Maps usage may require a paid license depending on your use case.

Dynamically loading position data with Ionic and Spring Boot

Published: 5. November 2017  •  Updated: 3. December 2018  •  ionic, java, spring, javascript

In this blog post we create an Ionic app that dynamically requests location data points from a Spring Boot server and displays them on an OpenStreetMap map. The data points are stored in a MongoDB database, and we take advantage of the geospatial query support to read the data points only for a certain area.

Adding speech recognition to an Ionic App

Published: 18. December 2017  •  Updated: 16. July 2019  •  ionic, javascript, java, spring

In this blog post I present three different ways to integrate speech recognition functionality into an Ionic app. With a Cordova plugin, the Web Speech API and with RecordRTC and the Google Cloud Speech API.

Custom SVG icons with Ionic

Published: 6. January 2018  •  Updated: 1. December 2018  •  ionic, ionic, javascript

How to use arbitrary SVG icons in Ionic

Using Dexie.js in a TypeScript application

Published: 12. January 2018  •  Updated: 3. December 2018  •  database, javascript, ionic

In this blog post I present a way to use Dexie in a TypeScript application

A closer look at the Background Sync API

Published: 26. June 2018  •  pwa, javascript, java, spring, ionic

This blog post takes a closer look at the Background Sync API, part of the service worker implementation, and presents an example that uses Background Sync to synchronize data between an Ionic web application and a Spring Boot server application.

Using the Background Sync API with the Angular service worker

Published: 9. December 2018  •  pwa, javascript, ionic

In this blog post, we look at a way to use the Background Sync API together with Angular's service worker. Or, in general, how to add custom service worker code to a generated Angular service worker.

Google Cloud Vision and Storage example with Ionic and Spring Boot

Published: 11. December 2018  •  java, spring, ionic, javascript

This blog post shows you a way to upload pictures from a web application to Google Cloud Storage and run them through Google Cloud Vision. The application uses Ionic for the front end and Spring Boot for the back end. It utilizes signed URLs for permitting the client to upload pictures directly from the web application to Google Cloud Storage

Integrate FontAwesome icons in an Angular application

Published: 15. February 2019  •  Updated: 21. August 2019  •  javascript, ionic

This blog post shows you how to integrate FontAwesome icons into an Angular application with the official Angular JavaScript library.

Stateless Authentication with Spring Security

Published: 15. May 2019  •  java, spring, ionic

In this blog post, we are going to implement a stateless authentication system with Spring Security, Spring Boot, and an Angular/Ionic client

Password auto-login with the Credential Management API

Published: 13. June 2019  •  java, javascript, spring, ionic

How to create a frictionless password auto-login experience with the Credential Management API.

Google Fonts in an Angular / Ionic application

Published: 10. June 2019  •  javascript, ionic

A tutorial on how to use Google Fonts in an Angular / Ionic app. The blog post presents two approaches. One approach is by linking to the Google Font server, and the second approach shows you how to download Google Fonts and serve them from your web server.

Reliable file uploads over HTTP with tus.io

Published: 11. June 2019  •  Updated: 18. November 2024  •  java, javascript, spring, ionic

How to integrate tus.io implementations into JavaScript and Java applications to create reliable and resumable file uploads over HTTP.

Uploading pictures from Capacitor app to Spring Boot

Published: 11. June 2019  •  Updated: 18. November 2024  •  java, spring, javascript, ionic, capacitor

How to take pictures with the Capacitor camera plugin and upload them to a Spring Boot application with Angular's HttpClient and tus.io.

Creating a password-less sign-in with WebAuthn, Spring, and Ionic/Angular

Published: 25. August 2019  •  javascript, java, spring, ionic

In this blog post, we will build a password-less authentication system with the FIDO2 WebAuthn standard. I will show you a full-stack demo application with an Ionic / Angular front end and a Spring Boot back end with Spring Security.

Push Notifications with Capacitor and Java

Published: 3. April 2020  •  Updated: 20. June 2021  •  ionic, spring, javascript, capacitor, java

In this blog post, we take a closer look at how to receive push notifications with Capacitor and how to send them from a Spring Boot application.

Building an encrypted chat app with the Web Cryptography API

Published: 3. May 2020  •  Updated: 20. May 2021  •  javascript, spring, java, ionic

In this blog post, I show you how to create an encrypted Java/JavaScript chat application with the Web Cryptography API.

Add CAPTCHA to your site with hCaptcha

Published: 1. May 2020  •  Updated: 20. May 2021  •  javascript, java, ionic, angular

This blog post shows you how to integrate hCaptcha CAPTCHAs into a plain JavaScript project and Angular projects, with a Spring Boot back end.

Dexie.js live queries

Published: 22. January 2022  •  javascript, database, ionic

In this blog post, I will show you an example of the new live query feature in Dexie.js 3.2 that enables an application to subscribe to IndexedDB queries.

Running an LLM in the browser with Transformers.js

Published: 27. October 2024  •  ionic, angular, llm

In this blog post, I will show you how to install and run an LLM in a web application using the Transformer.js library.

Speech Recognition in the Browser with Transformers.js

Published: 19. January 2025  •  ionic, angular, llm

Running the Moonshine model, a speech recognition model, in the browser with Transformers.js. The demo application is a snake game controlled by voice commands.