Ralph's Blog about this and that (RSS | Atom)

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

Real-time messaging with Cettia and Spring Boot

Published: 28. January 2019  •  java, javascript, spring

Getting started with Cettia, a real-time web framework, and Spring Boot

Expose server behind NAT with Tor

Published: 10. January 2019  •  linux

In this blog post, I'm going to show you how to make services, installed on a server behind a NAT/Firewall, accessible from everywhere with the Tor network

Expose server behind NAT with WireGuard and a VPS

Published: 10. January 2019  •  linux

In this blog post, I'm going to show you how to set up a WireGuard VPN between a computer, located behind a NAT/Firewall, and a VPS in the cloud to expose services running on the private server to the Internet and make them accessible from everywhere

A closer look at the Java 11 HTTP Client

Published: 23. January 2019  •  java

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the new HTTP Client introduced in Java 11.

Getting started with jOOQ, Flyway, and Spring Boot

Published: 31. January 2019  •  java, spring

In this blog post we are going to set up a Spring Boot application with jOOQ and Flyway

JavaScript BigInt and JSON

Published: 4. January 2019  •  javascript, java

How to JSON deserialize and serialize the new JavaScript primitive number type BigInt in a full-stack application with Spring Boot

Setup a NanoPi Kiosk with Chromium

Published: 5. January 2019  •  linux

In this blog post I'm going to show you how to set up a kiosk mode with a full-screen Chromium on a NanoPi

Machine Learning with brain.js and Tensorflow.js

Published: 4. January 2019  •  javascript

In this blog post we are going to create two neural networks with brain.js and Tensorflow.js, train the MNIST dataset and use the trained model in a web application to detect digits

Netgear Aircard as Internet gateway with pfSense

Published: 5. January 2019  •  linux

How to connect a Netgear Aircard to a pfSense router and use it as an Internet gateway

Using pre-trained Tensorflow.js models

Published: 4. January 2019  •  javascript

In this blog post we are going to look at tfjs-models (https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models), a collection of pre-trained models with Tensorflow.js that you can simply add and use from your web application

JavaScript spread and rest syntax examples

Published: 19. January 2019  •  javascript

A collection of examples with the spread and rest syntax in JavaScript

Spring Boot with TLS and HTTP/2 on localhost

Published: 9. January 2019  •  java

In this blog post, we are going to set up a private root CA with mkcert on our local development machine, create a TLS certificate, and enable Spring Boot to use TLS and HTTP/2. We learn how to configure Charles, an HTTP proxy, to trust this private root CA and we also take a brief look at HTTP/2 push.

Directory watching with Java

Published: 1. February 2019  •  java

In this blog post, we take a look at the capability of Java to monitor directories for changes. A feature that has been introduced a long time ago (2011) in Java 7

Integrate FontAwesome icons in an Angular application

Published: 15. February 2019  •  Updated: 21. August 2019  •  javascript, ionic

This blog post shows you how to integrate FontAwesome icons into an Angular application with the official Angular JavaScript library

Self-host Seafile

Published: 4. February 2019  •  Updated: 1. February 2022  •  selfhost

How to self-host Seafile, an open-source file sync and share software, on a VPS with Docker

Stateless Authentication with Spring Security

Published: 15. May 2019  •  java, spring, ionic

In this blog post, we are going to implement a stateless authentication system with Spring Security, Spring Boot, and an Angular/Ionic client

Password auto-login with the Credential Management API

Published: 13. June 2019  •  java, javascript, spring, ionic

How to create a frictionless password auto-login experience with the Credential Management API.

Exposing build information of Spring Boot and Angular applications

Published: 12. June 2019  •  java, spring, javascript

How to expose build information, like version number, build timestamp, git commit information, of Spring Boot and Angular applications

Google Fonts in an Angular / Ionic application

Published: 10. June 2019  •  javascript, ionic

A tutorial on how to use Google Fonts in an Angular / Ionic app. The blog post presents two approaches. One approach is by linking to the Google Font server, and the second approach shows you how to download Google Fonts and serve them from your web server.

Spring Security second-factor authentication with TOTP

Published: 21. June 2019  •  Updated: 5. April 2020  •  java, spring

In this blog post, you learn how to write an authentication system with Spring Security that uses username/password and TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) as second-factor

Reliable file uploads over HTTP with tus.io

Published: 11. June 2019  •  java, javascript, spring, ionic

How to integrate tus.io implementations into JavaScript and Java applications to create reliable and resumable file uploads over HTTP.

Uploading pictures from Capacitor app to Spring Boot

Published: 11. June 2019  •  java, spring, javascript, ionic, capacitor

How to take pictures with the Capacitor camera plugin and upload them to a Spring Boot application with Angular's HttpClient and tus.io.

Variable length integers

Published: 18. June 2019  •  java

How to encode fixed 4 bytes Java integers into a variable-length format that uses less space.

OCR in the browser with Tesseract.js

Published: 30. July 2019  •  Updated: 30. December 2019  •  javascript

In this blog post, we will develop an Angular/Ionic application that runs Optical character recognition (OCR) in a browser with Tesseract.js. This application does not depend on any server-side code, and the recognition process runs locally in the browser.

A look at the Page Visibility API

Published: 29. July 2019  •  javascript

What is the Page Visibility API and how can you access it in web applications. Also, a quick look at the visibilityjs library that simplifies commons tasks with the Page Visibility API.

Web Workers - Basic usage, Angular and Comlink

Published: 31. July 2019  •  javascript

In this blog post, we are looking at the Web Workers API. What problem it solves, and how can we use it in our JavaScript applications. We take a look at the Angular build-time support for Web Workers, and lastly, we take a look at Comlink, a JavaScript library that simplifies Web Workers programming.

Setting up WireGuard on Windows

Published: 17. July 2019  •  linux

Installing WireGuard, a simple, fast, and modern VPN, on Windows and connecting to a WireGuard server.

Catch-all SMTP servers for development and testing

Published: 9. August 2019  •  java

How to use a catch-all SMTP server for development and testing email delivery. In this blog post, we are going to look at 6 different catch-all SMTP servers and a Junit 5 example with an embedded catch-all SMTP server.

Entity auditing with Hibernate Envers

Published: 5. August 2019  •  java

In this blog post we take a look at Hibernate Envers, a library that provides an easy auditing/versioning solution for entity classes

Git with JGit

Published: 4. August 2019  •  java

In this blog post we take a look at JGit, a pure Java implementation of Git

A look at JSR 374 - Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P)

Published: 29. August 2019  •  java

In this blog post, we are going to take a loot at the JSON-P (JSR 374) standard for processing JSON in Java.

ky - elegant fetch

Published: 10. August 2019  •  javascript

A closer look at ky, a JavaScript HTTP client for the browser, built on top of the Fetch API. ky adds convenient functions and new features to the Fetch API.

Rate limiting Spring MVC endpoints with bucket4j

Published: 7. August 2019  •  java, spring

How to rate limit Spring MVC HTTP endpoints with bucket4j

Creating a password-less sign-in with WebAuthn, Spring, and Ionic/Angular

Published: 25. August 2019  •  javascript, java, spring, ionic

In this blog post, we will build a password-less authentication system with the FIDO2 WebAuthn standard. I will show you a full-stack demo application with an Ionic / Angular front end and a Spring Boot back end with Spring Security.

Sending Web Push Notifications with Java

Published: 13. August 2019  •  java, javascript

Sending Web Push notifications from a Java back end to a web browser