Ralph's Blog about this and that (RSS | Atom)

HTTP over TLS on localhost with Go server

Published: 28. November 2021  •  go

In this blog post, I'm going to show you how to set up TLS with a Go HTTP server listening on localhost.

Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi (Go)

Published: 29. November 2021  •  go, iac

In this blog post, I'm going to show you how to set up cloud resources on AWS with the infrastructure as code (IaC) tool Pulumi

AWS Lambda development with Go and Pulumi

Published: 6. December 2021  •  go, iac

In this blog post, I will show you how to write AWS Lambdas with Go and deploy them with Pulumi (Go).

Implementing HTTP API back end on AWS - Part 1 Foundation

Published: 29. January 2022  •  go, aws

The first part of setting up an HTTP API back end on AWS shows you how to configure Amazon API Gateway and Amazon DynamoDB and build and deploy an AWS Lambda in Go to form the back end for a simple todo web application.

Implementing HTTP API back end on AWS - Part 2 User Authentication

Published: 29. January 2022  •  go, aws

The second part of setting up an HTTP API back end on AWS shows you how to transform the single-user application from the first part into a multi-user application where users can sign-up and sign in. User authentication will be implemented with Amazon Cognito and OAuth2.

Access Amazon S3 objects with SQL SELECT

Published: 22. January 2022  •  go, java, aws

In this blog post, I take a look at S3 Select, a service that enables an application to access Amazon S3 objects with SQL SELECT. Code examples in Java and Go

Sending Protocol Buffers messages over SQS

Published: 15. January 2022  •  go, java, aws

In this blog post, I show you how to send and receive Protocol Buffers messages over Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). The examples of producers (send) and consumers (receive) are written in Java and Go.

Access HIBP Pwned Passwords with Go

Published: 10. February 2022  •  Updated: 11. March 2023  •  go

Various ways how to access the Pwned Passwords database from have i been pwned with Go

Git with go-git

Published: 1. August 2023  •  go

In this blog post, I'm going to show you how you can write Go programs that access Git repositories with the go-git library.

TLS with Go in production

Published: 1. August 2023  •  go

Setting up TLS with Go in productive environments

Access LLMs on Azure and AWS with Go

Published: 26. September 2024  •  go, aws, azure

This blog post shows how to access OpenAI GPT-4o on Microsoft Azure and Stable Diffusion on AWS Bedrock with Go.

WebAuthn with Go

Published: 27. September 2024  •  Updated: 6. January 2025  •  go, angular

Implementing a password-less authentication system with the Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) in Go on the back end and Angular/Ionic on the front end.

Convert Web Pages and Office Documents to PDF with Gotenberg and Go

Published: 21. October 2024  •  go

In this blog post, we take a look at how to use Gotenberg with Go to convert web pages, HTML, and office documents to PDF.

Web Search with LLM in Go

Published: 28. October 2024  •  llm, go

In this blog post, I show you how to leverage a web search engine to give context to a large language model (LLM) and how to interact with LLMs running on Ollama from a Go program.

Running LLM-Generated Go Code in a Docker Container

Published: 17. January 2025  •  go, llm

In this article, I will show you how to write a Go program that generates Go code with the help of a large language model (LLM) and run this generated code in a Docker container.

Implementing WebAuthn Authentication with Bitwarden Passwordless.dev

Published: 17. January 2025  •  go, angular

In this blog post, I will show you how to implement WebAuthn authentication with Bitwarden Passwordless.dev, a SaaS solution that provides WebAuthn authentication as a service.