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AWS Lambda development with Go and Pulumi

Published: 6. December 2021  •  go, iac

AWS Lambda is a service of the AWS cloud that allows you to run applications without setting up any infrastructure. As the developer, you only have to upload the code, and AWS takes care of setting up the runtime environment. Unlike a traditional server application, a Lambda program does not run all the time; instead, it is dormant until an event arrives. The AWS Lambda service then starts the Lambda and passes the event to it.

Common use cases are HTTP events from the Amazon API Gateway, message queue events from Amazon MQ and SQS, and events from S3. Lambdas can also be started manually by sending an event with the AWS CLI or programmatically with the AWS SDK from another program.

This architecture has several benefits. You only pay when the Lambda is running. The AWS Lambda service can quickly start multiple instances of a Lambda when suddenly hundreds of messages arrive.

A downside of this architecture is that processing an initial event can take a slightly longer time. This is because the AWS Lambda service has to start the Lambda program first (cold start). To reduce this cold start delay, AWS retains a Lambda program (keeps it warm) for some time after the invocation has ended. Subsequent events can be handled much faster by calling the retained Lambda instance. If cold start delays are a problem, it is possible to provision Lambdas (Provisioned Concurrency). The AWS Lambda service keeps the configured number of Lambdas always loaded (warm) to be invoked when events arrive without a cold startup time. Be aware that this increases the cost because you pay when the Lambda runs and for the whole time when the Lambda is provisioned.

AWS charges you for the runtime duration depending on the memory usage and architecture (x64, arm) and for the number of requests. There are additional charges for data transfer in/out and provisioned Lambdas. AWS Lambda has a free tier that includes one million requests and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time each month.

Check out the pricing page for more information:

Before considering AWS Lambda for your architecture, you should know one limitation. AWS Lambda programs currently (December 2021) can only run for 15 minutes (900 seconds). The AWS Lambda service will terminate programs that run longer than that.
Also, local storage is limited to 512 MB (/tmp directory), but this can be worked around by attaching an EFS drive.

Other attributes of AWS Lambda are:

There are two ways to deploy a Lambda with infrastructure as code tools: Docker image and zip file. Deploying with a Docker image follows the standard Docker workflow: build the Docker image, push it to a repository, and configure the Lambda with a link to the image. AWS Lambda currently only supports Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) as a Docker repository.

The second way is by uploading a zip file containing the application to AWS Lambda. The service takes care of setting up an environment and installing the application from the zip file.

In the following article, I will show you three examples. First, I demonstrate how to create a Lambda from a Docker image. In the second example, I will show a zip deployment and how to run the Lambda on the Arm architecture. The final example is an application that cleans up Cloudwatch log groups and log streams. This Lambda will periodically be triggered by an event from AWS Event Bridge.

Hello World

A Go Lambda always depends on the aws-lambda-go library. This is the only dependency that you must install. Apart from that, a Lambda is like a regular Go application where you can use any library and connect to any service inside and outside of AWS.

go mod init helloworld
go get github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go
touch main.go

A Go Lambda always follows the same template. Start the Lambda with lambda.Start and pass a reference to a handler function. In the handler function, implement the logic.

package main

import (

func main() {

func handle() (string, error) {
  return "Hello World", nil


The name of the handler function does not matter, but the signature must satisfy the following requirements:

These are all valid signatures:

One functionality I don't use in the examples in this blog post is initializing global variables with an init() function. The code in this function is called once when the Lambda is loaded. Expensive initialization should always be done in the init() function, for example, opening database connections, creating clients to other AWS services.

var s3Client s3.Client
func init() {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
    if err != nil {

    s3Client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)


This example will be deployed as a Docker image. Here is the Dockerfile I use for this example.

FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided:al2 as build
RUN yum install -y golang
RUN go env -w GOPROXY=direct
ADD go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
ADD main.go ./
RUN go build -tags lambda.norpc -ldflags='-s' -o /helloworld main.go

# runtime
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided:al2
COPY --from=build /helloworld /helloworld
ENTRYPOINT [ "/helloworld" ]


This is a regular multi-stage Docker build. There is nothing special you have to do for Lambda support; only make sure that the last step in the Dockerfile starts the Lambda. Docker deployment is useful when your Go program needs to call external programs. With Docker, you can pack everything into one image and completely control the environment.


Next, we write the Pulumi program that creates an ECR repository, builds the Docker image, pushes it to ECR, and finally, provisions the Lambda.

const name = "helloworld"

func main() {
  pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    repo, err := createPrivateEcrRepository(ctx)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    err = createEcrRepositoryLifecycle(ctx, err, repo)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    registryInfo := getRegistryInfo(ctx, repo)

    // Build and publish the container image.
    image, err := docker.NewImage(ctx, name+"-image", &docker.ImageArgs{
      Build:     &docker.DockerBuildArgs{Context: pulumi.String("../lambda")},
      ImageName: repo.RepositoryUrl,
      Registry:  registryInfo,
    if err != nil {
      return err

    role, err := createIamRoleForLambda(ctx)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    function, err := createLambda(ctx, image, role)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    // Export the lambda ARN.
    ctx.Export("lambda", function.Arn)

    return nil


The createEcrRepositoryLifecycle function creates the ECR repository, and createEcrRepositoryLifecycle creates a lifecycle policy in our ECR repository to clean up untagged images. This is optional, but it makes sure that ECR deletes old and unused images. AWS charges you based on the number of GB stored in ECR (see ECR pricing page).

The getRegistryInfo function creates temporary credentials for ECR. Pulumi delegates the Docker build to your local Docker process, and this process needs the credentials to upload images to the private ECR. Alternatively, install the Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper. If you go this route, you need to change the Pulumi code. Visit the Pulumi documentation for more information.

The next function is createIamRoleForLambda, which creates the mandatory IAM execution role for the Lambda. This is an important concept on AWS. By default, a Lambda has no access to other AWS services, and only a role allows access to certain services. Another concept is that you never give permissions directly to an application. Instead, you assign roles to the surrounding container. The program inside inherits the permissions from the role. This works the same way as other services on AWS, like EC2 and ECS.

A Lambda needs at least the permissions to create AWS Cloudwatch log groups and log streams and write log statements. AWS provides the managed IAM policy AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole, which contains the required Cloudwatch permissions (logs:CreateLogGroup, logs:CreateLogStream, logs:PutLogEvents).

func createIamRoleForLambda(ctx *pulumi.Context) (*iam.Role, error) {
  role, err := iam.NewRole(ctx, name+"-lambda-exec-role", &iam.RoleArgs{
    AssumeRolePolicy: pulumi.String(`{
              "Version": "2012-10-17",
              "Statement": [{
                "Sid": "",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                  "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  _, err = iam.NewRolePolicyAttachment(ctx, name+"-lambda-exec", &iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs{
    Role:      role.Name,
    PolicyArn: pulumi.String("arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  return role, nil


The last step in the Pulumi program is createLambda, which provisions the Lambda function.

In this example, we create the Cloudwatch log group with Pulumi. This step is optional, but I recommend it. If you don't create the log group AWS Lambda will create it automatically, but it sets the retention period to never expire, which means that the logs will stay forever on AWS. I always want a retention period on the log groups, so AWS automatically deletes old log files. The name of the log group for Lambdas is always /aws/lambda/<your_lambda_name>.

Another benefit of managing the log group with Pulumi is that pulumi destroy also deletes the log group.

func createLambda(ctx *pulumi.Context, image *docker.Image, role *iam.Role) (*lambda.Function, error) {
  logGroup, err := cloudwatch.NewLogGroup(ctx, name, &cloudwatch.LogGroupArgs{
    Name:            pulumi.String("/aws/lambda/" + name),
    RetentionInDays: pulumi.Int(30),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err


For provisioning the Lambda, we need to set the name, the execution role, memory size, and timeout. Memory size also determines the number of vCPU (10,240 MB = 6vCPU). The timeout parameter specifies how long your Lambda can run before AWS stops it. In this example, we set the timeout to 3 seconds. Valid values are between 1 and 900 seconds (15 minutes).

For a Docker Lambda, we need to set the package type to Image and specify the location of the Docker image with ImageUri.

  args := &lambda.FunctionArgs{
    ImageUri:    image.ImageName,
    MemorySize:  pulumi.Int(128),
    Name:        pulumi.String(name),
    PackageType: pulumi.String("Image"),
    Publish:     pulumi.Bool(false),
    Role:        role.Arn,
    Timeout:     pulumi.Int(3),

  function, err := lambda.NewFunction(
    pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{role, logGroup}),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  return function, nil


With this last piece of the puzzle in place, we can now provision everything with

pulumi up

And after a few seconds, our Lambda is installed and ready to receive events.

We can call the Lambda with the AWS CLI.

aws lambda invoke --function-name $(pulumi stack output lambda) --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) out.json

cat out.json
"Hello World"

Make sure that you delete everything with pulumi destroy if you no longer need the Lambda.

Zip and Arm

This example will be deployed as a zip file and run on the Arm architecture. This Lambda also takes an input and sends back a response. In this example, the SHA256 of the input parameter is returned.

package main

import (

func main() {

func handle(input string) (string, error) {
  fmt.Println("input: ", input)
  hasher := sha256.New()
  sha := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
  return sha, nil


The Pulumi program is much shorter because we don't have to set up ECR and Docker. We only have to create the IAM execution role and the Lambda.

const name = "hash"

func main() {
  pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {

    role, err := createIamRoleForLambda(ctx)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    function, err := createLambda(ctx, role)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    // Export the lambda ARN.
    ctx.Export("lambda", function.Arn)

    return nil


We need to create a zip file for a zip deployment. Pulumi has built-in support for creating zip files. The Lambda will be deployed to the custom Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) runtime (provided.al2). This runtime mandates that the application's name inside the zip file is bootstrap.

Like in the first example, we also have to specify the name, memory size, the execution role, and the timeout in seconds. And to save money, the Lambda runs on the Arm architecture.

  codeArchive := pulumi.NewAssetArchive(map[string]interface{}{
    "bootstrap": pulumi.NewFileAsset("../lambda/main"),

  args := &lambda.FunctionArgs{
    Runtime:       pulumi.String("provided.al2"),
    Handler:       pulumi.String("bootstrap"),
    Code:          codeArchive,
    MemorySize:    pulumi.Int(128),
    Name:          pulumi.String(name),
    Publish:       pulumi.Bool(false),
    Role:          role.Arn,
    Timeout:       pulumi.Int(3),
    Architectures: pulumi.StringArray{pulumi.String("arm64")},

  function, err := lambda.NewFunction(
    pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{role, logGroup}),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return function, nil


Because this Lambda runs on the Arm architecture, we have to compile the Go program for this architecture. We can do this on any Go-supported platform thanks to the excellent Go cross-compile capability.

GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=0  go build -ldflags='-s' -o main .

Now we can provision the Lambda with

pulumi up

And after a successful deployment, trigger the Lambda with the AWS CLI

aws-vault exec home -- aws lambda invoke \
      --function-name $(pulumi stack output lambda) \
      --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) \
      --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
      --payload '"hello world"' \

cat out.json

Cloudwatch Cleanup

In this last example, I show you how to trigger a Lambda from another AWS service.

This Lambda cleans up Cloudwatch log groups. Most AWS services automatically create log groups in AWS Cloudwatch if you don't create them beforehand. As mentioned before, the retention period of these automatically created log groups is set to never expire. Therefore, if possible, I always create the log groups with Pulumi or Terraform. Sometimes this is not possible. In these cases, the following Lambda helps clean up the logs. It periodically scans all log groups in an AWS account. If it finds a group without a retention period, it changes the period to 12 months. It also deletes empty log groups that are older than the retention period. This is a known problem of Cloudwatch that it does not delete empty log groups.

You find the source code for this Lambda here:

This Lambda will be deployed with a zip file and runs on the Arm architecture.

One difference to the previous examples is that we have to give this Lambda more permissions so it can scan all log groups, set the retention period, and delete log groups.

func createIamRoleForLambda(ctx *pulumi.Context) (*iam.Role, error) {
  role, err := iam.NewRole(ctx, name+"-lambda-exec-role", &iam.RoleArgs{
    AssumeRolePolicy: pulumi.String(`{
              "Version": "2012-10-17",
              "Statement": [{
                "Sid": "",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                  "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    InlinePolicies: iam.RoleInlinePolicyArray{iam.RoleInlinePolicyArgs{
      Name: pulumi.String("logwatch"),
      Policy: pulumi.String(`{
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"

  _, err = iam.NewRolePolicyAttachment(ctx, name+"-lambda-exec", &iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs{
    Role:      role.Name,
    PolicyArn: pulumi.String("arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  return role, nil


This Lambda is triggered by another AWS service: Amazon EventBridge. One feature of EventBridge is to emit events periodically. This is controlled by a rule with either a cron expression or a rate expression. Here, we configure a cron expression that triggers the Lambda once a month.

The EventBridge to Lambda connection requires three parts: The event rule that specifies when to emit an event.

    onceAMonthRule, err := cloudwatch.NewEventRule(ctx, name+"-onceAMonth", &cloudwatch.EventRuleArgs{
      Description:        pulumi.String("Triggers Cloudwatch Cleanup Lambda once a month"),
      ScheduleExpression: pulumi.String("cron(0 6 1 * ? *)"),
    if err != nil {
      return err


The event target which specifies the target that needs to be called.

    _, err = cloudwatch.NewEventTarget(ctx, name+"-onceAMonthTarget", &cloudwatch.EventTargetArgs{
      Rule: onceAMonthRule.Name,
      Arn:  function.Arn,
    if err != nil {
      return err


A permission that allows EventBridge to start a Lambda.

    _, err = lambda.NewPermission(ctx, name+"-allow-cloudwatch-to-call-lambda", &lambda.PermissionArgs{
      Action:      pulumi.String("lambda:InvokeFunction"),
      Function:    function.Name,
      Principal:   pulumi.String("events.amazonaws.com"),
      SourceArn:   onceAMonthRule.Arn,
      StatementId: pulumi.String("AllowExecutionFromCloudWatch"),
    if err != nil {
      return err


Like the other examples, you provision the infrastructure with pulumi up.

To test if the Lambda works, trigger it manually with the AWS CLI.

aws lambda invoke --function-name $(pulumi stack output lambda) --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) out.json

Check out the Cloudwatch logs to see if everything worked correctly.

This concludes my tutorial about creating AWS Lambdas with Go and provisioning them with Pulumi (Go).

For more information about AWS Lambda, check out the official developer guide:

Lambdas with Go:

For Pulumi, check out this how-to guide:

For estimating Lambda costs, check out the AWS Pricing Calculator: