In a previous blog post, I demonstrated an example that sends Protocol Buffers messages from a Spring Boot server to a JavaScript (Angular) application. A couple of days ago, a reader asked me how to send Protocol Buffers messages the opposite way, from JavaScript to Spring Boot. This is what I'm going to show you in this post.
proto ¶
For the demo application, I created the following proto file.
It defines two messages, UserRequest
, which the JavaScript app sends to Spring Boot, and UserResponse
, which the Spring Boot application sends back as the response.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "ch.rasc.protobuf";
message UserRequest {
string firstname = 1;
string lastname = 2;
uint32 age = 3;
enum Gender {
MALE = 0;
Gender gender = 4;
message UserResponse {
string id = 1;
enum Status {
OK = 0;
NOT_OK = 1;
Status status = 2;
Server: Setup ¶
To enable Spring Boot's Protocol Buffers support, I added the protobuf-java dependency to my project.
I also added the protoc-jar-maven-plugin
to the pom.xml. This plugin is a wrapper
for the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc
). The compiler reads the proto file and generates Java code.
To generate the Java code, I called the generate-sources
Maven phase from the command line:
./mvnw generate-sources
The compiler writes the generated code into the <project>/target/generated-sources
Server: Spring Boot ¶
Next, I added the following bean definition. This instantiates Spring's built-in Protocol Buffers message converter. This converter is responsible for serializing and deserializing Protocol Buffers messages. It supports Protocol Buffers versions 2 and 3. Spring Boot does not autoconfigure this message converter. Therefore, we have to add it manually.
public ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() {
return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter();
And lastly, I implemented the REST controller, which receives a UserRequest
object and sends back a UserResponse
You can see that there is no difference to a REST controller that handles JSON messages. This is a normal controller with a regular POST mapping.
Spring and the message converter handle everything else.
It is important here that we use the generated classes from the protoc
compiler as input and output objects. The message
converter expects these objects to be implementations of the interface
public class UserController {
public UserResponse registerUser(@RequestBody UserRequest userRequest) {
Status status = Status.OK;
if (userRequest.getAge() < 18) {
status = Status.NOT_OK;
return UserResponse.newBuilder().setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).setStatus(status)
Client: Setup ¶
Like on the server-side, we also need a generator and a library that takes care of message encoding and decoding on the client-side.
In this demo project, I added the protobufjs
npm install protobufjs
Then I added the following script to package.json. This script calls the Protocol Buffers compiler and generates a JavaScript file and a TypeScript definition file.
"private": true,
To execute the script, call npm run pbts
from the shell. Make sure that the output directory exists before you run this command.
Client: Application ¶
The client is a simple Angular application with a form.
<form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(form.value)" class="options">
<label for="firstName">First Name</label><br>
<input id="firstName" name="firstname" ngModel type="text">
<label for="lastName">Last Name:</label><br>
<input id="lastName" name="lastname" ngModel type="text">
<label for="age">Age:</label><br>
<input id="age" max="120" [min]="0" name="age" ngModel type="number">
<input id="maleGender" name="gender" ngModel type="radio" value="MALE"><label for="maleGender">Male</label>
<input id="femaleGender" name="gender" ngModel type="radio" value="FEMALE"><label for="femaleGender">Female</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
The submit
method receives the form inputs, sends them to the server, and handles the server response.
First, the method creates and encodes a UserRequest
object. The encode({...}).finish()
returns a Uint8Array
submit(formValues: { firstname: string, lastname: string, age: number, gender: string }): void {
const encodedUserRequest = UserRequest.encode({
firstname: formValues.firstname,
lastname: formValues.lastname,
age: formValues.age,
gender: (formValues.gender === 'MALE') ? UserRequest.Gender.MALE : UserRequest.Gender.FEMALE
If we pass the Uint8Array
object to Angular's HTTP client, it serializes it into JSON. But we have to send
a binary message to the server. Therefore, we have to extract the underlying buffer (ArrayBuffer
) of the Uint8Array
The application does this with the following code.
const offset = encodedUserRequest.byteOffset;
const length = encodedUserRequest.byteLength;
const userRequestArrayBuffer = encodedUserRequest.buffer.slice(offset, offset + length);
It's important that you do not use encodedUserRequest.buffer
, because the underlying buffer can be larger than the Uint8Array
object. You have to extract the offset and length of the Uint8Array
object and then slice
the buffer to get the actual data.
When sending Protocol Buffers messages to the server, the request HTTP headers must be set correctly. The demo application sends two headers: Accept
and Content-Type
. Spring on the server reads these headers and selects
the matching message converter. The Accept
header describes the response, and Content-Type
the request. You can
omit the Accept
header if your endpoint does not send anything in the body back.
It's also essential that the responseType
is set to arraybuffer
because we get back a binary message.
const headers = new HttpHeaders({
Accept: 'application/x-protobuf',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf'
});`${environment.SERVER_URL}/register-user`, userRequestArrayBuffer, {headers, responseType: 'arraybuffer'})
map(response => this.parseProtobuf(response)),
The response is an ArrayBuffer
object. To decode it, I first had to wrap it into a Uint8Array
and then pass it to the static decode
parseProtobuf(response: ArrayBuffer): IUserResponse {
return UserResponse.decode(new Uint8Array(response));
handleResponse(userResponse: IUserResponse): void {
console.log(`ID: ${}`);
console.log(`Status: ${userResponse.status === UserResponse.Status.OK ? 'OK' : 'NOT_OK'}`);
handleError(error: any): Observable<any> {
return throwError(() => error || 'Server error');
You see, it's quite easy to exchange Protocol Buffers messages between JavaScript and Spring Boot. Spring Boot takes care of the heavy lifting; we only have to register the message converter, and we have to make sure that the client sends the proper HTTP request headers.
You find the complete source code of the demo application on GitHub: